How to Play Virtual Charades on Microsoft Teams: A Fun Team-Building ActivityHow to Play Virtual Charades on Microsoft Teams: A Fun Team-Building Activity

In the ever-evolving landscape of remote work, the importance of team-building activities cannot be overstated. They serve as a crucial bridge, connecting team members scattered across different locations, fostering camaraderie, and promoting collaboration. One such activity that has gained popularity in virtual team-building is “Virtual Charades.”

People now employ workspaces to facilitate their work as the work-from-home and remote work trends gain popularity. Microsoft Teams is a business platform for employees looking to digitally collaborate on projects. As a result, engagement and productivity rise.

How to Play Virtual Charades on Microsoft Teams: A Fun Team-Building Activity
How to Play Virtual Charades on Microsoft Teams: A Fun Team-Building Activity

Microsoft Teams, however, is much more than just productivity and teamwork. Games built onto the platform let users unwind and enjoy themselves. In this blog post, we will explore how to play Virtual Charades on Microsoft Teams, a platform widely used for remote collaboration.

Setting the Stage for Virtual Charades

Before diving into the game, there are essential preparations to be made to ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience.

  1. Choosing a date and time: To begin, select a date and time that works for all team members. Ensure it doesn’t clash with important meetings or deadlines to maximize participation.
  2. Inviting participants: Use Microsoft Teams to send out invitations to your team members. Make sure to provide clear instructions on how to join the virtual charades session.
  3. Explaining the rules and objectives: Communicate the rules and objectives of the game to participants in advance. This will help everyone understand what to expect and how to participate effectively.
  4. Dividing into teams: Depending on the number of participants, you may need to divide the group into teams. Creating teams adds an element of competition and encourages collaboration among team members.

Preparing for the Game

Once the stage is set, it’s time to get into the nitty-gritty of preparing for the virtual charades game.

Setting up Microsoft Teams: Before the game, ensure that all participants have a working knowledge of Microsoft Teams. Make sure everyone’s video and audio settings are configured correctly to avoid technical glitches during the game. Consider creating a dedicated channel or meeting for the charades session to keep everything organized.

Preparing a list of charades phrases or words: The heart of any charades game is the list of phrases or words that participants will act out. Here are some considerations for creating this list:

  1. Ideas for categories and themes: Decide whether you want a general charades game or if you’d like to incorporate specific themes or categories (e.g., movies, famous personalities, office-related phrases).
  2. Using a charades word generator: There are several online charades word generators that can help you come up with a diverse list of phrases, making it fair for all participants.

Assigning a moderator or host: A successful virtual charades game needs someone to keep things organized and ensure fair play. This person will be responsible for explaining the rules, keeping time, and facilitating the game.

How to Play Virtual Charades on Microsoft Teams

With all preparations in place, it’s time to delve into the rules and gameplay of virtual charades on Microsoft Teams.

Rules of the game: To maintain a fair and enjoyable experience, establish some ground rules, including:

  1. Time limits: Decide on the maximum time allowed for each turn. This adds a sense of urgency to the game.
  2. Scoring system: Determine how points will be awarded. Commonly, teams earn points when their members guess correctly within the time limit.

Taking turns: To keep the game organized, establish a turn-taking system. Here’s how it typically works:

  1. Choosing a team to start: A simple way to decide which team goes first is by flipping a virtual coin or drawing straws.
  2. Sharing the screen with the charades phrases: The team that’s up displays the charades phrase on their screen without revealing it to their opponents.

Non-verbal communication: In charades, participants are not allowed to speak. Instead, they must rely on non-verbal communication to convey the phrase or word to their team. This can involve a combination of gestures, facial expressions, and body movements.

Guessing the charades: The essence of the game lies in guessing the charades correctly. Here’s how participants can submit their guesses:

  1. How participants submit their guesses: Team members who are not acting out the phrase can submit their guesses via the chat function or by using virtual reactions like thumbs-up or applause.
  2. Timing and keeping track of scores: The moderator is responsible for keeping time and announcing when a team has successfully guessed the phrase. They also keep track of the scores throughout the game.

Tips for a Successful Virtual Charades Game

To ensure your virtual charades game is a hit, consider these tips:

  1. Encouraging creativity and enthusiasm: Encourage participants to be creative and expressive when acting out their phrases. The more animated and imaginative, the more entertaining the game becomes.
  2. Dealing with technical issues: Technical glitches can happen, so be prepared to troubleshoot common problems like audio or video lag. Ensure everyone knows how to use Microsoft Teams effectively.
  3. Keeping the energy high: Virtual team-building activities can sometimes suffer from a lack of energy. Use icebreakers and engaging activities to maintain enthusiasm throughout the game.
  4. Managing time effectively: To ensure the game doesn’t drag on, set a timer for each turn and adhere to it strictly. This keeps the pace lively and ensures that everyone gets a chance to participate.

Team-Building Benefits of Virtual Charades

While virtual charades is undoubtedly a fun and entertaining game, it also offers numerous team-building benefits that can be invaluable for remote teams:

  1. Strengthening communication skills: In charades, participants must rely on non-verbal cues and gestures to communicate. This helps improve their ability to convey ideas effectively, which can translate to better communication in the workplace.
  2. Fostering collaboration and teamwork: Charades is a team game that requires collaboration and trust among team members. It encourages them to work together to achieve a common goal, fostering a sense of unity.
  3. Boosting morale and engagement: Team-building activities like virtual charades provide a break from the daily grind of work. They boost morale, increase job satisfaction, and create a more engaged and motivated team.
  4. Creating memorable bonding experiences: Virtual charades is not just a game; it’s an opportunity for team members to bond over shared experiences and laughter. These memories can strengthen the team’s connection.

Wrapping Up the Game

As the virtual charades game comes to a close, it’s essential to wrap it up effectively and leave a positive impression on your team.

  1. Announcing the winning team: Acknowledge the efforts of all participants and announce the winning team. Consider giving a small virtual prize or recognition to the winning team members.
  2. Sharing memorable moments: Take a moment to reflect on the fun and memorable moments of the game. Encourage team members to share their favorite highlights or funny gestures.
  3. Expressing gratitude and feedback: Thank your team members for participating and provide them with an opportunity to share their feedback. This helps you improve future virtual team-building activities.
  4. Planning for future virtual team-building activities: Use the success of your virtual charades game as a springboard for future team-building activities. Gather ideas from team members and schedule the next event.


Virtual charades on Microsoft Teams is a fantastic way to inject fun and excitement into remote team-building efforts. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can create an engaging and enjoyable experience that strengthens communication, fosters collaboration, and boosts team morale. In the world of remote work, where face-to-face interactions may be limited, activities like virtual charades help bridge the gap and create a sense of togetherness among team members.


  1. Microsoft Teams Official Website:
  2. Microsoft Teams User Guide:
  3. Microsoft Teams Apps Store:
  4. Virtual Scavenger Hunt Ideas:

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