How to Use Microsoft Teams for GamingHow to Use Microsoft Teams for Gaming

In today’s fast-paced and remote work-driven world, fostering team collaboration and building strong relationships within a group can be challenging. Microsoft Teams, a versatile platform known for its communication and collaboration features, has become an essential tool for remote teams and organizations. However, did you know that you can also use Microsoft Teams to play games and have fun while working together?

You may want to break up the monotony of being engaged during meetings when using Microsoft Teams. Playing games inside Microsoft Teams is one way to do that.

How to Use Microsoft Teams for Gaming
How to Use Microsoft Teams for Gaming

You may collaborate on projects with other team members in your business using Microsoft Teams, but if you also want to include games, you’ve come to the correct place.

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the exciting world of playing games on Microsoft Teams. We’ll discuss why incorporating games into your virtual meetings can be a game-changer for your team’s dynamics and productivity. We’ll also provide step-by-step instructions on how to set up your Microsoft Teams for gaming and offer a selection of popular games suitable for different team sizes and goals.

Why Play Games on Microsoft Teams?

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of how to play games on Microsoft Teams, let’s take a moment to understand why it’s a valuable endeavor for your team.

  1. Fostering Team Collaboration and Bonding: One of the primary reasons to play games on Microsoft Teams is to foster collaboration and strengthen bonds among team members. Team-building games encourage individuals to work together, communicate effectively, and develop trust. In virtual environments, where face-to-face interactions are limited, games provide a unique opportunity for team members to connect on a personal level.
  2. Boosting Employee Morale and Productivity: Engaging in fun and enjoyable activities during work hours can significantly boost employee morale. When team members are happy and motivated, they are more likely to be productive and creative. Games provide a break from the monotony of work, helping employees recharge and return to their tasks with renewed energy.

Choosing the Right Games

Now that you understand the importance of playing games on Microsoft Teams, it’s time to choose the right games for your team. The key to a successful game session is selecting games that align with your team’s preferences and objectives.

  1. Considering Your Team’s Preferences and Interests: Start by understanding your team’s interests and preferences. Are they competitive and enjoy trivia challenges, or do they prefer creative and collaborative activities? Knowing your team’s personality can help you choose games that resonate with them.
  2. Games Suitable for Different Team Sizes and Goals: The size of your team and your specific objectives will also influence your game selection. Some games are ideal for small teams looking to bond, while others are perfect for larger groups seeking to break the ice or reinforce team dynamics.
  3. Adapting In-Person Games for Virtual Teams: Many in-person games can be adapted for virtual teams on Microsoft Teams. Whether it’s a classic board game, a card game, or a creative team-building exercise, with a bit of creativity and the right tools, you can make almost any game work in the virtual environment.

Setting Up Microsoft Teams for Games

Before you can dive into playing games, you need to ensure that your Microsoft Teams platform is set up correctly. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Ensuring Everyone Has Access to Microsoft Teams: Make sure that all team members have access to Microsoft Teams. This may require providing licenses or guidance on how to access the platform for those who are new to it.
  2. Navigating the Teams Platform: Familiarize yourself and your team with the Microsoft Teams platform. Understand how to create and join meetings, manage participants, and use essential features like chat and screen sharing.
  3. Installing Necessary Plugins or Apps: Depending on the games you choose, you may need to install plugins or apps that enhance your gaming experience. For example, you can use apps for creating and hosting quizzes or access online board games.

Popular Games for Microsoft Teams

Now, let’s explore some popular games that you can play on Microsoft Teams. We’ve categorized them into three main types: icebreakers and team-building activities, trivia and quiz games, and online board games and card games.

Icebreakers and Team-Building Activities:

  1. Two Truths and a Lie: This classic icebreaker is perfect for introducing team members to each other. Each participant shares two truths and one false statement about themselves, and the others guess which statement is the lie.
  2. Pictionary: Pictionary is a fantastic game for unleashing creativity. Use the screen sharing feature on Microsoft Teams to draw and guess words or phrases while your team tries to guess the answer.
  3. Virtual Scavenger Hunt: Host a virtual scavenger hunt by providing a list of items or clues to your team. Participants search their homes for the items and share their findings on camera.

Trivia and Quiz Games:

  1. Creating and Hosting Quizzes: Microsoft Teams allows you to create and host your own quizzes. You can use the Forms app to create multiple-choice quizzes or polls. Team members can then compete to see who knows the most.
  2. Examples of Trivia Questions: Customize trivia questions to match your team’s interests. You can have trivia sessions focused on pop culture, industry-related knowledge, or even general knowledge. Consider themes like “Movie Madness Monday” or “Tech Tuesday Trivia.”

Online Board Games and Card Games:

  1. Chess, Scrabble, and More: Microsoft Teams supports integration with various online board games and card games. You can challenge your colleagues to a game of chess or Scrabble right within the platform. These games provide a casual and enjoyable way to interact.
  2. Platforms for Playing Board Games Online: If you want to go beyond the games directly available on Microsoft Teams, consider using online platforms like Tabletopia, Board Game Arena, or Tabletop Simulator to play a wide range of board games with your team.

How to Host and Facilitate Games

Once you’ve chosen a game for your Microsoft Teams session, it’s important to know how to host and facilitate it effectively. Here are some key steps to ensure a successful game session:

  1. Setting Up Game Rules and Guidelines: Before you start the game, explain the rules and guidelines to all participants. Make sure everyone understands how the game works and what is expected of them.
  2. Assigning Roles: Assign roles for the game session. You may need a host to lead the game, a timekeeper to keep track of the game’s progress, and other roles depending on the complexity of the game.
  3. Dealing with Technical Issues: Technical issues can sometimes disrupt game sessions. Be prepared to troubleshoot common problems, such as audio or video glitches, and have a backup plan in case the game platform experiences issues.
  4. Ensuring Fair Play: Maintain a fair and inclusive atmosphere during the game. Encourage all team members to participate, and address any concerns or disputes that may arise.

Tips for a Successful Game Session

To make your game sessions on Microsoft Teams as enjoyable and productive as possible, consider these tips:

  1. Creating a Relaxed and Enjoyable Atmosphere: Start the game session with a warm and friendly introduction. Use humor and lightheartedness to set a relaxed tone that encourages participation.
  2. Encouraging Active Participation: Actively engage all team members by asking questions, encouraging discussion, and involving everyone in the game. Avoid letting a few participants dominate the conversation.
  3. Debriefing and Discussing Takeaways: After the game concludes, take a moment to debrief and discuss the takeaways from the game. What did your team learn? How did it impact team dynamics? This reflection can be insightful and help build team cohesion.

Case Study of A Successful Game Session on Microsoft Teams

Let’s take a look at a real-life example of a company’s successful game session on Microsoft Teams.

Zeeloaded’s Virtual Game Night: Zeeloaded, a tech startup with a predominantly remote workforce, faced the challenge of team members feeling disconnected from one another. To address this issue, they decided to organize a virtual game night using Microsoft Teams.

For their first game night, they chose to play a customized trivia game focused on tech industry knowledge, followed by a round of virtual Pictionary. The game night was a hit, with team members enthusiastically participating and bonding over shared interests.

Lessons Learned and Positive Outcomes

  1. Improved Team Bonding: The game night significantly improved team bonding, with team members feeling more connected and comfortable with one another.
  2. Boost in Morale: Employee morale received a substantial boost, leading to increased enthusiasm and productivity in subsequent workdays.
  3. Enhanced Communication: Team members who were previously reserved in team meetings became more active participants, leading to improved communication and idea sharing.
  4. Repeat Success: Encouraged by the positive outcomes, Company XYZ decided to make virtual game nights a regular occurrence, incorporating a variety of games to cater to different team interests.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

While playing games on Microsoft Teams can be a fun and engaging experience, it’s essential to be prepared for common issues that may arise during your game sessions:

  1. Technical Difficulties: Technical problems like poor internet connections, audio glitches, or video lag can disrupt the game. Encourage team members to check their equipment in advance and have a backup plan ready.
  2. Resistance to Playing Games: Not everyone may be initially enthusiastic about playing games during work hours. Address resistance by explaining the benefits of team building and the positive impact on morale and productivity.
  3. Concerns About Productivity: Some team members may worry that playing games will detract from productive work time. Emphasize that occasional game sessions can actually enhance productivity by boosting team morale and creativity.


Incorporating games into your virtual meetings on Microsoft Teams can transform the way your team collaborates, communicates, and bonds. By choosing the right games, setting up the platform correctly, and facilitating game sessions effectively, you can reap the benefits of improved team dynamics, enhanced morale, and increased productivity.

Remember that the key to successful game sessions is to create a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere where all team members feel included and engaged. Whether you’re hosting a virtual trivia night, a competitive game of Pictionary, or a casual game of chess, playing games on Microsoft Teams can be a valuable tool for building stronger, more cohesive teams in the remote work era. So, don’t hesitate to give it a try and watch your team thrive.

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