How to Use Linux on ChromebookHow to Use Linux on Chromebook

In the ever-evolving landscape of computing devices, Chromebooks have managed to carve out a unique niche for themselves. Their lightweight design, simplicity, and seamless integration with Google services have made them a favorite among students, professionals, and casual users alike. However, what if you could harness the power of both Chrome OS and Linux on the same device?

Chromebooks have grown in popularity due to their user-friendly interface and easy interaction with Google applications. They are noted for their lightweight design and cloud-centric strategy. Some users, however, desire more powerful software and the capacity to execute complex activities that are outside the scope of Chrome OS. This is where Linux comes in, introducing a plethora of applications, development tools, and customization choices. Linux is an open-source operating system that enables many activities to be completed only through the use of terminal commands.

We achieve a varied computing experience by merging ChromeOS and Linux, which combines the simplicity and security of Chromebooks with the flexibility and huge open-source ecosystem of Linux. Users may now access a whole new level of productivity and flexibility on their Chromebooks as Linux support on Chromebooks becomes increasingly common.

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the world of Linux on Chromebooks and show you how to unlock a new realm of possibilities.

Understanding Chromebooks and Linux

Let’s start with a brief overview. Chromebooks are laptops that run Google’s Chrome OS, a cloud-based operating system designed to be fast, secure, and user-friendly. They rely heavily on web applications and cloud storage, making them ideal for those who spend a significant portion of their computing time online. On the other hand, Linux is an open-source operating system known for its flexibility, customization options, and robust security features.

The convergence of Chrome OS and Linux has led to an exciting synergy. By enabling Linux on your Chromebook, you can tap into the expansive world of Linux applications, development tools, and a powerful command-line interface. This opens up a new realm of productivity, creativity, and exploration for Chromebook users.

Enabling Linux on Your Chromebook

The journey to unlocking Linux’s potential on your Chromebook begins with a few simple steps. First, navigate to your Chromebook’s settings and find the “Linux (Beta)” section. Enable Linux and follow the prompts to set up a Linux container. This container provides a secure environment where you can run Linux applications without interfering with the core Chrome OS.

Once the Linux container is set up, you can start installing Linux applications. You have two primary methods: using the command line or a graphical interface. For those comfortable with the terminal, the APT package manager allows you to install applications using familiar commands like sudo apt-get install. Alternatively, you can use the graphical interface, often referred to as the Ubuntu Software Center, to browse and install applications with a few clicks.

Getting Started with Linux Applications

With Linux up and running, it’s time to explore the world of applications. Linux brings a vast ecosystem of software to your Chromebook, ranging from productivity tools like LibreOffice to creative software like GIMP. Installing applications is a breeze, especially if you’ve used package managers before. However, for newcomers, the graphical interface offers a user-friendly way to discover, install, and manage applications.

Basic Linux Commands for Chromebook Users

For many Chromebook users, Linux might be a new territory, complete with a mystifying command-line interface (CLI). Fear not, as understanding a handful of basic commands can go a long way in making you feel at home. Navigating the Linux file system, creating directories, copying and moving files, and viewing their contents are foundational skills. Additionally, learning to manage file permissions ensures that you have full control over your Linux environment.

Using Linux and Chrome OS Together

The integration between Chrome OS and Linux on a Chromebook is surprisingly seamless. You can easily share files between the two environments, allowing you to work on a document in Chrome OS and process it with a Linux tool. This symbiotic relationship enhances your overall computing experience by blending the best of both worlds. Opening Chrome OS files in Linux applications and vice versa is just a matter of a few clicks.

Exploring Advanced Linux Features

As you become more comfortable with Linux, you might want to explore its more advanced features. The Linux CLI, renowned for its power and efficiency, enables you to accomplish tasks that might be challenging in a traditional graphical interface. Package managers, like APT or RPM, simplify the installation and management of software packages, while customizing the Linux environment with different shells, themes, and settings allows you to tailor your experience to your preferences.

Troubleshooting and FAQs

Like any technical endeavor, using Linux on your Chromebook might occasionally come with its own set of challenges. From compatibility issues to application crashes, troubleshooting is a skill worth developing. A dedicated section in our guide addresses common problems you might encounter and provides step-by-step solutions. Additionally, we answer frequently asked questions to ensure you have all the information you need to embark on your Linux journey confidently.

Tips for Optimizing Linux Performance on Chromebooks

Efficiently managing resources is crucial when running Linux alongside Chrome OS. Optimizing performance ensures that both environments run smoothly without draining your device’s battery or causing excessive heat. We provide tips on resource allocation, keeping the system lean by removing unnecessary applications and services, and techniques to strike the right balance between performance and battery life.

How To Set Up Linux on Chromebook

All Chromebooks released in 2019 and beyond will include Linux support. Even school-issued Chromebooks support Linux, but school officials can deactivate it from their end. If this is the situation with your Chromebook, contact your school administrator to have the limitation removed. But that appears to be a stretch.

To run Linux on your Chromebook, you do not need to enable developer mode because it is supported by default. Linux can even be installed on ARM-based Chromebooks, as I did. Simply follow the instructions below to install Linux on your Chromebook.

  1. First, open the Quick Settings by clicking on the clock in the lower right corner. Then click on the gear icon to open Chromebook settings.
  2. In the settings, click Advanced to expand them. You can find this option on the left side of the window.
  3. In the advanced settings, click Developers. This will open the developer settings for your Chromebook.
  4. In the Developer Settings, find the Turn On button next to Linux Development Environment and click it.
  5. Next button at the bottom right of this box.
  6. You will then be prompted to enter your username and select the disk size for your Linux environment. You can either choose the default size, which for me was 10 GB or click the Custom button to choose a different size.
  7. Once you have selected the disk size and user name, click the Install button. It will take some time to set up the Linux environment on your Chromebook.
  8. After the installation is complete, the Linux terminal will open automatically. There you will see the username you selected during the installation process.
  9. You have successfully installed Linux on your Chromebook. Now you can run Linux applications, share files, and do much more with your Chromebook.
  10. You will see two new applications in the app drawer. One is the Linux Terminal app and the other is the Linux Text Editor app.


In the age of versatility, the marriage of Chrome OS and Linux on Chromebooks is a match made in computing heaven. It’s a gateway to exploring new software, honing your technical skills, and experiencing the best of both operating systems. As you dive into the world of Linux on your Chromebook, you’ll find that the possibilities are limited only by your curiosity and willingness to explore.

With the steps outlined in this guide, you’re now equipped to venture into the exciting realm of Linux on Chromebooks. Remember, while the journey might be filled with discovery and empowerment, it’s important to proceed with caution and be aware of potential risks, as enabling Linux on a Chromebook could void warranties or impact security. So, go forth, experiment, and embrace the synergy of two powerful operating systems on a single device. Your Chromebook is no longer just a web-centric device; it’s a gateway to a vast world of computing possibilities.

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