How To Turn Off Open To work On LinkedInHow To Turn Off Open To work On LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a powerful platform for networking, job hunting, and career development. One of its notable features is “Open to Work,” which allows you to signal to recruiters that you are actively looking for job opportunities. While this feature can be highly beneficial during your job search, there may come a time when you want to turn it off for various reasons. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the “Open to Work” feature on LinkedIn and provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to turn it off when needed.

How To Turn Off Open To work On LinkedIn
How To Turn Off Open To work On LinkedIn

Why You Might Want to Turn Off “Open to Work”

Before we dive into the step-by-step guide, let’s discuss why you might want to turn off the “Open to Work” feature on LinkedIn.

  1. Maintaining Privacy While Job Searching: One of the primary reasons individuals choose to disable “Open to Work” is to maintain their privacy while actively seeking new job opportunities. Job hunting can be a sensitive and personal process, and not everyone wants their current employer or colleagues to know about it. Turning off this feature allows you to keep your job search confidential.
  2. Avoiding Potential Miscommunications with Current Employers: If you’re currently employed and using LinkedIn to explore new opportunities, leaving the “Open to Work” signal on can lead to misunderstandings with your current employer. They may perceive it as a lack of commitment or loyalty, potentially jeopardizing your current job. Turning it off when you’re not actively job hunting can help avoid these miscommunications.
  3. Controlling Your Job-Seeking Status: LinkedIn’s “Open to Work” feature is incredibly valuable when you’re actively seeking a new position. However, once you’ve found a job or decided to put your job search on hold temporarily, you might want to turn it off. This ensures that you’re not inundated with job offers and inquiries when you’re not in the market.

Now that we’ve established the reasons why you might want to turn off “Open to Work,” let’s move on to the practical steps to do so.

Step-by-Step Guide: Turning Off “Open to Work” on LinkedIn

  1. Log Into Your LinkedIn Account: The first step is to log into your LinkedIn account using your email address and password. Make sure you are using the most up-to-date version of LinkedIn.
  2. Access Your LinkedIn Profile: After logging in, click on your profile picture or name in the top right corner of the LinkedIn homepage. This will take you to your LinkedIn profile.
  3. Locate the “Open to Work” Feature: On your LinkedIn profile, you’ll find a section called “Open to Work” located near the top. It typically displays a green frame around your profile photo, indicating that you’re open to job opportunities.
  4. Edit Your Job-Seeking Preferences: Click on the “Open to Work” section. You’ll be taken to a new page where you can manage your job-seeking preferences.
  5. Turning Off the “Let Recruiters Know You’re Open” Option: Here, you’ll see the option to let recruiters know you’re open to work. To turn it off, simply click on the “Looking for a job” toggle switch to set it to “No.” This will disable the “Open to Work” signal.
  6. Customize Your Job-Seeking Settings (Optional): LinkedIn provides additional options to customize your job-seeking preferences, such as specifying the job titles and locations you’re interested in. Feel free to adjust these settings according to your preferences.
  7. Save Your Changes: Once you’ve turned off the “Let recruiters know you’re open” option and customized your job-seeking settings (if desired), don’t forget to save your changes by clicking the “Save” button at the bottom of the page.

Tips for Using “Open to Work” Effectively

Now that you know how to turn off “Open to Work” let’s explore some tips for using this feature effectively when you do choose to activate it.

When to Activate “Open to Work”

  1. When you’re actively job hunting: Activate “Open to Work” when you’re actively searching for a new job. This signals to recruiters that you’re open to opportunities.
  2. When your circumstances change: If you become unexpectedly unemployed or your job search status changes, update your “Open to Work” status accordingly.

Customizing Your Preferences for Better Job Matches

LinkedIn allows you to customize your job-seeking preferences, which can improve the quality of job recommendations you receive. Be specific about the type of roles you’re interested in and the locations you’re open to.

Updating Your LinkedIn Profile for Job Hunting

When you activate “Open to Work,” it’s essential to ensure that your LinkedIn profile is up to date. This includes having a professional profile photo, crafting a compelling headline, and detailing your work experience, skills, and accomplishments. Recruiters often use your profile to assess your qualifications.

Network with Recruiters and Connections

Don’t just rely on the “Open to Work” feature alone. Actively engage with recruiters and your LinkedIn connections. Send personalized connection requests, join relevant groups, and participate in discussions to expand your network and increase your visibility.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Here are answers to some common questions about the “Open to Work” feature on LinkedIn:

Q: Can I hide my job-seeking status from my current employer on LinkedIn?

  • A: Yes, when you turn off “Open to Work,” your current connections, including your employer, won’t be notified of your job-seeking status change.

Q: How often should I update my job-seeking preferences?

  • A: It’s a good practice to update your preferences whenever your job search criteria change. Keep them accurate and relevant to receive the most suitable job recommendations.

Q: Can I still apply for jobs on LinkedIn when “Open to Work” is turned off?

  • A: Absolutely. Disabling “Open to Work” doesn’t prevent you from applying for jobs or using other LinkedIn features.

Q: Will recruiters still see my profile if “Open to Work” is turned off?

  • A: Recruiters can still view your profile, but they won’t see the “Open to Work” signal.


LinkedIn’s “Open to Work” feature is a valuable tool for job seekers, but it’s equally important to know how to turn it off when needed. Whether you’re looking to maintain privacy, avoid misunderstandings with your current employer, or control your job-seeking status, following the step-by-step guide in this article will help you effectively manage this feature.

Remember to use “Open to Work” wisely and in conjunction with other networking and job search strategies to maximize your chances of finding the perfect job opportunity on LinkedIn.

Additional Resources

For more information and official guidance on using “Open to Work” on LinkedIn, check out the following resources:

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